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Deep guidance and divine remembering awakens the sacred heart.

The rebirth of the Divine Feminine unfolds, as she steps into the sacred circle to co-create the New Earth. A coming together of the World Sisters. Heart to heart we ascend to ever higher states of consciousness and integration.


The eternal call of our Divine Family activates our inner high magical powers for sacred co-creation, together with our sisters, brothers, and animal companions. We are now called to stand in the brilliance of our own light and power as awakened children of the Divine. Now is the time.


Spiritual teachers, channelers, and artists Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell have combined their magic to co-create the World Sisters collection of energy scarves to reconnect you with the blessings and gifts of the Divine.


We have intimately worked with first-class Holy Relics of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, the energies of the ascended masters, and beings of light and have added ancient high magical sigils to bring about a wearable blessing, an ascension tool, and spiritual activator.


Understanding and wearing our scarves with sacred energies and high magic symbols offers a pathway to harnessing the energies that surround us and connect us more deeply to the cycles and forces of nature. Integrated with Divine Mother codes, these scarves empower you to freely express your soul gifts for planetary healing.

Discover how the World Sisters energy scarves, designed for acceleration and healing, support you to embody the energies of Mother Mary (Divine Mother), Mary Magdalene (Divine Sister), Yeshua (Divine Brother), the Divine Child and your Divine Companion (Animal Spirit Guide).

We believe in the potent magic of this spiritual technology and its power to amplify the collective healing energy, co-created by the World Sisters. Let us together bring the consciousness of love and light into our life and to the world.

With much love, joy, and gratitude,

Doni & Laura



Limited Edition of 2222

Made with Love


Ships end of November, 2024


Anchor 1

Mary Magdalene
(Divine Sister)

Co-Creation – New Earth – Heart Energies

Heart to heart, the world sisters rise! Within the space of Unity Consciousness, sacred co-creation unfolds. You are called to awaken your higher heart energies and bring about the New Earth through the expression of your soul gifts and creative endeavors.


Embraced by the Mary Magdalene scarf, we experience the mystical union of divine feminine and divine masculine energies. A sacred partnership between you and the Divine. The embedded light codes serve as your anchor to the divine feminine, a direct channel to the wisdom of Mary Magdalene and the strength of Joan of Arc.


The codes of the divine sister link with your throat chakra, to activate the highest good for humanity. You manifest with your voice, and your breath. The throat chakra also connects directly to the sacral sexual chakra to provide healing and balance.

Encoded in this cosmic veil of liquid light, you will receive Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors and activations for your highest good. The magical power of the Sigil of Miracles is embedded to attract miracles into your life.


In the creation of this spiritual technology, we have worked with a first-class sacred Holy Relic of Mary Magdalene bringing you into the presence of Agape Love. Her love is powerful, and her heart is ever present. She will awaken and guide you through the use of the scarf.  She teaches us to remember, celebrate and believe that love is the beginning and the end. We also added the energy of a holy relic of Joan of Arc, a piece of cloth that was next to her suit of armor. This will bring divine protection and courage for the coming times of great change that we are currently experiencing. There is a blessing of protection for all who wear this scarf.


The perfect union of divine energy, pure white and soft lavender tones, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal talisman to connect with your higher creative energies of sacred co-creation and the Goddess Mystery Schools.


The Divine Sister scarf is lovingly activated by Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


Recommended Practice


Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the rise and fall of your chest. As you are embraced by the Divine Sister scarf, its light codes start to resonate with your heart. Tune into the union of divine feminine and masculine energies within you. As you breathe, draw in the sacred colors and Unity codes to connect with your higher heart. Mary Magdalene’s love is surrounding you, guiding your soul gifts to manifest the New Earth.


Speak your truth and attract miracles into your life, deeply knowing that you are a co-creator on this sacred journey. You may also place the Divine Sister scarf on your altar or with your crystal bowls when doing sound healing to elevate the vibration and healing power of your spiritual practice. 

Mary Magdalene scarf.jpg

Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Purifies and harmonizes

  • Connects you with your True Self

  • Activates Unity Consciousness

  • Love and Joy

  • Healing and Balance



  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% Silk Satin

  • 90cm x 90cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 2

(Divine Brother)

Christ Light – Activation – Wisdom

The energy of the Divine Brother brings Christ Light and the wisdom of higher consciousness into our lives, serving as a steadfast foundation for growth and transformation. Through the divine masculine, we embody the principles of divine timing and purposeful action, guiding us to align our intentions with the greater cosmic order.


Embraced by the Divine Brother scarf, we find the strength and courage to pursue our highest aspirations, while remaining anchored in the truth and clarity of our spiritual path. This energy fosters a harmonious balance, empowering us to act with integrity and wisdom in all that we do.


When you wear the Divine Brother energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as your anchor to the divine masculine, a direct channel to the wisdom of Master Jesus and the violet flame of St Germain. The codes of the Divine Brother link with the solar plexus chakra, to activate our inner sun, personal power, and connection to Divine Light. We step into the I AM presence, the divine presence that is within.

Encoded in this cosmic veil of liquid light, you will receive Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors and activations for your highest good. The magical power of the Sigil of Divine Protection is embedded in the energy matrix of the scarf. In the creation of this spiritual technology, we have worked with a sacred Holy Relic of The Christ that is surrounded by Amethyst crystals, known for their ability to enhance spiritual awareness and promote spiritual growth.


The perfect union of divine energy, pure white, gold, and purple tones, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal talisman to connect with Christ Consciousness, universal love, divine service, protection and inner peace.


The Divine Brother scarf is lovingly activated by Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


Recommended Practice


Wrapped in the Divine Brother scarf, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the pure white, gold, and purple tones merging with your aura. Call on the Divine Brother to join you in your heart. As you breathe deeply, let the codes of the Divine Masculine link with your solar plexus chakra, activating your inner sun and personal power.


Embrace the Christ Light, feeling the strength, courage, and protection it brings. Allow this energy to harmonize and balance you, guiding your actions with integrity and wisdom on your spiritual path. You may also place the Divine Brother scarf on your altar or with your crystal bowls when doing sound healing to elevate the vibration and healing power of your spiritual practice. 


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Purifies and harmonizes

  • Connects you with your True Self

  • Activates Unity Consciousness

  • Protection, Purification, and Transmutation

  • Builds self-esteem and confidence



  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% Silk Satin

  • 90cm x 90cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 3

Divine Child
(Inner Child)

Joy - Flow - Magic

The energy of the Divine Child invites us into a realm of pure joy, play, and laughter, where the magic of life is constantly unfolding. By connecting with our inner child, we unlock a portal to boundless creativity and self-expression, essential for embracing the New Earth codes of co-creation and abundance. It is time to heal our inner child and move into pure joy!


Embraced by the Divine Child scarf, we experience profound healing, allowing our hearts to flow with divine purity. This connection nurtures our soul, fostering a deeper sense of wonder and openness to the mysteries of the universe.


When you wear the Divine Child energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as your anchor to divine protection. You feel save and loved, just the way you are. Any old trauma begins to dissipate and the desire to play and have more fun is activated.

The codes of the Divine Child resonate with your first chakra, to find a more playful way to live on this earth and in the body that you have chosen. The feeling of being grounded in our inner child creates a magical life full of joy. 


Encoded in this heavenly fabric of liquid light, you will receive Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors and the magical power of the ancient High Magic Sigil of Pure Heart, that was designed to bring you back to innocence.


In the creation of this spiritual technology, we have worked with a sacred first-class Holy Relic, the Breast Milk of The Virgin, providing spiritual food for the inner child.


The perfect union of divine energy, radiant rainbow colors, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal talisman to spark your curiosity, connect with divine inspiration and to enjoy life more. 


The Divine Child scarf is lovingly activated by Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


Recommended Practice

Wrapped in the Divine Child scarf, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the radiant rainbow colors surrounding you and allow the embedded light codes to anchor you to divine protection. You are safe and loved. As you breathe deeply, connect with your inner child and the boundless joy, play, and laughter it brings. Feel your feet on the ground and receive the blessings of this life. You have chosen to be here now.


Allow your body to open to loving yourself fully. You are pure and holy. Embrace the magical journey of life, guided by your pure heart with your feet fully on the ground playing with Gaia. Receive the Unity codes and sacred activations, fostering a deeper sense of wonder and openness to the mysteries of the universe. You may also place the Divine Child scarf on your altar or with your crystal bowls when doing sound healing to elevate the vibration and healing power of your spiritual practice. 


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Purifies and harmonizes

  • Connects you with your True Self

  • Activates Unity Consciousness

  • Greater love and joy

  • Healing your Inner Child



  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% Silk Satin

  • 90cm x 90cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 4

Divine Companion
(Animal Spirit Guide)

Pure Love – Wisdom – Oneness

Animal spirit guides, in physical or pure energy form, are the companions that walk beside us on our journey of Ascension. They come to us as messengers, teachers, friends, and healers, but foremost these sacred allies remind us that we are never alone and that we are loved unconditionally. Guided by your Divine Companion, you are empowered to embrace your true self and deeply realize the interconnectedness of all life.


When you wear the Divine Companion energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as your interdimensional bridge to receive the gifts and blessings of your animal companions: a deeper love, courage, and playful joy. This scarf brings you into closer connection to your animal companion, to better understand and hear their messages.


The codes of the Divine Companion support your visionary sight, the Third Eye. May you look beyond the illusions of life with eagle eyes. May you have the courage to take flight. May your soul purpose unfold one step at time, deeply knowing that you walk not alone, always having your Divine Companion at your side.

In the creation of this spiritual technology, we have worked with the ancient High Magic Sigil of Wisdom, the Flower of Life, and the Shamanic Guardian Spirits of the Four Directions. This powerful combination works to energize your life blueprint.


The perfect union of divine energy, pure iridescent rainbow colors, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal bridge to connect with the flow of life and your guides, in whichever form they choose to appear.


The Divine Companion scarf is lovingly activated by Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.

The Divine Companion scarf includes a smaller version, allowing you and your pet—be it a dog or a cat—to wear matching scarves and share positive energy together.


Recommended Practice

Wear the Divine Companion scarf, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Call in and feel the presence of your animal guide, a sacred companion walking beside you. As you breathe deeply, allow the embedded light codes of the scarf to open your Third Eye, granting you visionary sight. See beyond life's illusions with the clarity of eagle eyes.


Embrace the unconditional love, courage, and joy your guide offers. Animals are from the angelic kingdom offering you unconditional love. Know you are never alone, deeply connected to all life. You may also place the Divine Companion scarf on your altar or with your crystal bowls when doing sound healing to elevate the vibration and healing power of your spiritual practice. 


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Purifies and harmonizes

  • Connects you with your true self

  • Activates Unity Consciousness

  • Love and Joy




  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% Silk Satin

  • 90cm x 90cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 5

Mother Mary
(Divine Mother)

Sacred Love – Abundance – Protection

In the sanctuary of your sacred heart, Mother Mary embraces your soul with unconditional love. A true homecoming to the Divine. You are the child of the Divine Mother, and now is your time to step into the light. Be free in all that you are.


Embraced by the Mother Mary scarf, we experience an expanding consciousness of love. The sacredness of the Divine Mother Codes bring to you protection on all levels, a deeper connection to the Divine, and accelerated source light to guide you on your spiritual path.


When you wear the Mother Mary energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as an umbilical cord to absorb the nourishing codes of the Divine Mother. In this transmission the sacred cycles of life bring magic, divine order, and new beginnings to your door. As the Queen of Heaven, Mother Mary, connects you with your angels.

The codes of the Divine Mother synchronize with your heart chakra and activate your co-creation energy of the highest good for humanity. It is time for self-love and building of community. You will find increased psychic awareness and many spiritual gifts accelerating.


Encoded in this cosmic veil of liquid light, you will receive Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors and the magical power of the ancient Sigil of Abundance. In the creation of this spiritual technology, we have worked with a first-class Holy Relic, the Veil of the Virgin, which will help you go beyond that what is untrue, and step into the light of Divine Love.


The perfect union of divine energy, pure Marian blue and soft pink tones, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal veil to embody the gifts, teachings, and blessings of the Divine Mother.


The Mother Mary scarf is lovingly activated by Doni Amoris and Laura Bushnell with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


Recommended Practice

Wear the Mother Mary scarf, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the sacred Marian blue and soft pink tones being absorbed into your aura. Mother Mary’s embrace, her unconditional love is filling your heart. As you breathe deeply, allow the embedded light codes to connect you deeply with the Divine Mother, absorbing her nourishing energy.


Sense the sacred cycles of life synchronizing with your inner power, activating your creative potential for the highest good. With each breath, feel the protection, abundance, and guidance of the Divine Mother. Embrace this connection, knowing you are blessed and supported on your spiritual path.


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Purifies and harmonizes

  • Connects you with your true self

  • Activates Unity Consciousness

  • Activates an expanded consciousness of love and joy

  • Accelerated spiritual and psychic gifts




  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% Silk Satin

  • 90cm x 90cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

  • What is the unit cost and minimum order quantity?
    Production cost depend on a few factors such as fabric material, size of scarf, etc. Please contact us for a price quote. Minimum production starts at 80 pieces and up.
  • How long is the production time?
    The printing and finishing of the scarves takes about 4-5 weeks. Add 1-2 months for designing the scarves plus some time for creating promotional materials.
  • How do I activate my scarf when it arrives?
    Hold your scarf in your hands and connect for a moment in silence. You may say a prayer, chant a mantra, or use other sound to welcome your scarf. Then wear it for your daily mediation.
  • What is the best way to receive the energy of my scarf?
    Please wear your scarf whenever you are going to meditate, practice energy healing, or open up to channel. The embedded light codes and blessings will be absorbed by your aura and light body and deepen your intutive powers. Please consider your scarf as a sacred being that deserves to be treated with respect and care. This way it will support you for a very long time. It is a living talisman!
  • How do I wash and take care of my scarf?
    Store your item flat and untied. Avoid contact with rain and harsh chemicals, and entrust it to a specialized professional for cleaning. You may also very gently hand-wash your scarf using cold water. Dry flat horizontally (towel underneath). To straighten fabric, steam gently.
  • How long will the energy blessing of my scarf last?
    The blessing by Doni Amoris will last a few months and can be renewed upon request. Occasionally, Doni Amoris re-blesses all scarves remotely.
  • Returns or Exchanges
    All scarves are made to order and blessed by Doni Amoris. A return or exchange is not possible. All sales are final. Should your scarf arrive damaged due to shipping accident, please contact us. Slight variations in color and minor irregularities in the weave of the fabric are normal characteristics of natural fibers and hand-made processes and do not reduce the energy or value of the scarf.
Gradient Strip

We only offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. Wearing our scarves is not meant to replace any necessary medical treatment or advice. For spontaneous enlightenment, please consult the inner guru of your choice.

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