In ancient times, coming from far away stars, our common kin descended from the heavens onto the earth, the beautiful planet we call home. Here, these beings, some may call them gods or extraterrestrials, founded in the Western Land on the White Island, Atlantis – the City of Light.
Throughout antiquity Egyptian priests passed on the story of Atlantis, which was written down by the Greek philosopher, Plato (c. 429 – 347 BCE). In Plato’s writings Atlantis was mentioned as a magnificent place located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.
At the end of the last Ice Age, when the great flood came and Atlantis sunk below, our kin left earth, but not without first upgrading our DNA with secret codes and a promise to return. Sunken below in the unknown, and waiting in mystery today, Atlantis still emanates ancient frequencies of love and wisdom.

The Scarves of Atlantis are designed to support our daily meditation practice by introducing the frequencies and colors of Atlantis into our lives. For the Atlantis Collection, Doni Amoris channeled writings, which he infused with ancient Sumerian and old Indo-Aryan script to create an Atlantean Code, which carries powerful energies of love, wisdom and oneness.
In combination with the radiant colors, the embedded codes within the matrix of the scarves stimulate and enhance our physical and ethereal body. Each scarf of the collection is infused with the energy of Atlantis by holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
“In the light of your heart, you are always safe and loved. Trust yourself. Heal yourself. Feel our love for you. All is well. Find deep peace in your open heart and connect to your inner sanctuary of love. May the stars above you bless you with their light and guide you back home. May the earth beneath you nourish you with good energy and carry you with peace and love. You are always loved and welcome here. Follow your dreams and stay true to your soul’s calling.“

Angel of Atlantis
In the embrace of the Angel of Atlantis, energy comes forth and calls out the light of our soul. In that calling, we are guided to remember our own divine nature as awakened children of the Universe. The rainbow-colored crystalline frequencies of the Angel of Atlantis scarf bring inspiration, courage and beauty to the active soul-seeker. The Angel of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Find a place to meditate and wear your Angel of Atlantis scarf. While you meditate, you can play your favorite crystal singing bowls or other healing sound instruments. (You may also play a recording of healing sounds or music.) Feel how the color and sound waves open up your energy flow. In addition, you may chant the mantra sound below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.
Mantra : “ZAM” pronounced “Zaaaahmmm”

Color Infusion Benefits
Vitality builder
Purifies blood
Rejuvenates body-mind connection
Higher concentration/mental functions
Increases intuitive powers
The Angel of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal
Stargate of Atlantis
The Stargate of Atlantis scarf is a powerful portal. It is a gateway into the depths of the heart and into the infinity of consciousness. Each full moon, the Atlantis Stargate opens and assists in our transformative journey. The deep blue colors and the embedded codes within the matrix of the scarf bring peace, clarity and inspiration to the active soul-seeker. The Stargate of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Select four crystals and hold them with love. Place one crystal at each of the four directions. Make a place in the center for yourself. Wear the Stargate of Atlantis scarf and sit in the center with the four crystals surrounding you. Then go into meditation with the intent to journey through the Stargate of Atlantis. In addition, you may chant the mantra sound below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.
Mantra : “OM” pronounced “Ooooohmmmm”

Color Infusion Benefits
Increases intuitive powers
Activates the pineal gland
Eliminates toxins
The Stargate of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal

Light of Atlantis
The Light of Atlantis carries timeless frequencies that illuminate our body, mind and soul. Enclosed within the Light of Atlantis scarf is the Golden Seal of Atlantis, a powerful attunement for greater wisdom and good fortune on all levels. The yellow, gold and orange colors and the embedded Golden Seal of Atlantis within the scarf bring uplifting and liberating energies to the active soul-seeker. The Light of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Wear your Light of Atlantis scarf and find a place to sit in sunlight for some time. Place one hand on your solar plexus and one hand on your heart. With closed eyes take deep breaths and feel how your body is infused with magical golden light. Just feel and breathe. In addition, you may chant the mantra sound below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.
Mantra : “AH” pronounced “Aaaahhhh”

Color Infusion Benefits
Emotional uplift
Purifies blood
Higher concentration/mental functions
Benefits immune system
The Light of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal
Mother Star of Atlantis
In the presence of the Mother Star of Atlantis we are engulfed with the life-giving energies of the Universe. The Mother Star shines with its everlasting light, so that we may see our destined path of love and light in this world. The radiant pink-magenta colors and the embedded codes within the matrix of the scarf bring clarity, unconditional love and protection to the active soul-seeker. The Mother Star of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Wear your Mother Star of Atlantis scarf and find a place to sit in silence. Hold your hands out in front of you - left palm down, right palm up. The left hand connects to the earth, the right hand connects to the sky. Visualize the energy flowing from the earth up and from the sky down into your being. Breathe and feel. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.
Mantra : “MA” pronounced “Maaaa”

Color Infusion Benefits
Nourishing qualities of gentleness and love
Rejuvenates body-mind connection
Helps protect from harmful x-rays and ultra-violet rays
Increases intuitive powers
The Mother Star of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal

Dolphin of Atlantis
In the depths of the ocean the dolphins of Atlantis joyfully swim in spiraling patterns. Here in the undiscovered realm of the sunken city of Atlantis, the dolphins protect and carry an Atlantean healing frequency, a message of Love and Oneness. The light blue and turquoise-green colors and the embedded spiral matrix within the scarf bring healing, harmony and joyfulness to the active soul-seeker. The Dolphin of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Fill a bowl with pure spring water and place it in front of you. You may add some crystals to the water. Wear the Dolphin of Atlantis scarf and look at the water. From within, send loving thoughts towards the water. Then, place your fingertips on the surface of the water. Feel, breathe and visualize a healing blue-green light washing over you, carrying all heavy energy away. In addition, you may chant the mantra sound below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days. Note: At the end of each meditation, gift the water to a plant.
Mantra : “YI” pronounced “Yiiiii”

Color Infusion Benefits
Blood purifier
Rejuvenates brain function
Cell regeneration by stimulating pituitary gland
Increases intuitive powers
The Dolphin of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal
Pyramid of Atlantis
Below the sea, lost but not forgotten, the Pyramids of Atlantis hold sacred space for humankind’s ascension in consciousness. The matrix of the three pyramids and the embedded codes within the scarf generate an energy field that takes us into a transformative and peaceful state. The blue and purple colors radiate awakening codes and deep inner peace to the active soul-seeker. The Pyramid of Atlantis scarf is programmed with the energy of Atlantis by a sample of holy water taken from the Azores Islands.
Recommended Practice
Wear your Pyramid of Atlantis scarf and flow into a meditative state. Focus on your breathing. Slowly bring your hands together in prayer position. Breathe and feel. In addition, you may chant the mantra sound below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.
Mantra : “RA” pronounced “Raaaaa”

Color Infusion Benefits
Increases intuitive powers
Activates pineal gland
Rejuvenates body-mind connection
Stimulates immune system
The Pyramid of Atlantis scarf is made with love in Italy.
Soft Italian modal fabric like silk
100% plant-based fiber
Use only skin-friendly dyes
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm, 100% modal