The Light of the North...
shines brightly on Earth during this period of great transformation. As we enter the New Golden Age, the Norse Masters have powerful energetic gifts to share with us all.
The Gods and Goddesses and the Sacred Symbols of the Viking Age infuse us with courage and divine harmony, guiding our hearts to fully embrace our own infinite light and the eternal wisdom from Within.
As we move into the new phase of the ascension process, the Norse Gods, as they were tested many times, are stepping forward to assist us to reclaim our own power. They hold and support us with light, power, strength, divinity, and unconditional love.
This is their message for you: It is time to step into your Mastery, it is time to love yourself fully, it is time to be who you came here to be.
The Asgard Collection of scarves was channeled in divinely guided co-creation by Doni Amoris, Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild, to share the powerful Nordic Master energies in the purest form possible with you.
It is our intention that the runes, light-codes, sacred colors, and the energy matrix of these scarves support you as you bravely step into your Light as a Walking Master of the New Golden Age.
With much Love, Gratitude and Golden Wisdom!
Doni, Lovisa & Tim
Limited Edition
Made with love

light of Oneness
Return to Unity – Divine Grace – True Self
Traveling through time and space, divine light streams down from the heavens and embraces the Earth. This unique heavenly light touches the heart of Humanity with Divine Grace, Purity, and Wholeness. We are all connected – here on Earth and beyond, out into the Stars of the vast Multiverse.
Starlight codes are being showered upon us, supporting each step of our journey as we return to harmony, balance, and unity for the New Golden Age. As above, so below. As within, so without. One family, one heart, and one soul.
Embraced by the Light of Oneness, we experience the mystical union of divine feminine and divine masculine energies within us and reconnect with our Pure Divine Essence. We become a bridge to true Unity both within and without, allowing our true self to emerge.
When you wear the Light of Oneness energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as your North star – a compass to your true self. As you connect deeper with your own Divine Essence, these codes of cosmic Light infused with Purity and Grace, guide you to attune with increasingly higher frequencies. By understanding true Wholeness, you transform into a powerful bridge to Unity Consciousness in your own divine right.
Encoded in this cosmic veil of liquid light, you will receive Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors and activations for your highest good. Among the many blessings of this scarf, you also receive the energy of grace, forgiveness, and ancestral healing, to illuminate your path and to serve those around you and all of Humanity as we connect as One Heart and return to Unity. The diamond light of snow star codes within the scarf, provide a shield of light to hold you and those around you in the purest crystalline vibrations.
The perfect union of divine energy, pure white and soft pastel tones, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. It is activated by Doni Amoris, Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild to gift you with a bridge to Unity. May it serve as your personal talisman to connect with your True Self, Wholeness, and Unity Consciousness. The Light of Oneness scarf is lovingly programmed with the energy of a celestial stone (divine masculine) and the crystalline sacred waters of Lake Storsjön (divine feminine), in Jämtland/Sápmi, Sweden.
The Divine Grandmother, an ascended Noaidi/Shaman Elder of the Sami people, is the Guardian for this scarf’s energy, in Unity, Harmony and Oneness together with beloved Norse All-Father Odin.

Recommended Practice
Wear your Light of Oneness scarf and find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down, allowing yourself to fully relax. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and call on the Guardians of the energy of this scarf – the beloved Norse All-Father Odin in perfect co-creation with the Sami Divine Grandmother. Lovingly and powerfully held in their energy of balance, harmony and oneness, visualize a beam of divine light streaming down from the heavens, enveloping the Earth in its radiant glow. Feel this light permeating all of your bodies and fields – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – bringing with it Divine Grace, Purity, and Wholeness. Become aware of the interconnectedness of all beings on Earth and beyond, sensing the vast web of life that connects us all.
Feel the unity and oneness that exist at the core of our existence, transcending time and space. As you continue to breathe deeply, feel starlight codes showering down upon you, supporting your journey towards harmony, balance, and unity. Feel these codes infusing your being with wisdom and guidance, illuminating each step you take towards the New Golden Age. Receive the energy of grace, forgiveness, and ancestral healing, contained within these light codes, to support Humanity as we connect as One Heart and return to Unity.
Now, focus your attention on the center of your heart, the seat of your soul. Feel the mystical union of divine feminine and divine masculine energies within you, merging in perfect harmony. Sense the presence of your Pure Divine Essence, the truest expression of who you are. Allow this realization of your true self to expand and radiate outward, as you become a bridge to unity both within and without.
Visualize the embedded light codes within the scarf serving as your North star, guiding you towards your true self. Feel the cosmic light infuse you and flow through you, attuning you to higher frequencies of consciousness. As you bask in this divine energy, know that you are receiving Unity codes, the energy of sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. Open yourself to receive these gifts and allow them to further align you with the path of unity and oneness.

Color Infusion Benefits
Vitality builder
Purifies and harmonizes
Connects you with your true self
Activates Unity Consciousness
This beautiful creation has been abundantly infused with blessings and high vibrational energies every step of the way.
The Light of Oneness scarf is made with Love
Italian fabric, modal 85%, 15% silk
Oeko-tex certified. Good for you and the Earth
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm

Goddess Freya
Divine Love – Strength – Beauty
Goddess Freya. Heart of the North. Light of the Vanir. In the embrace of Freya, our heart opens. We dance in the freedom of our own Light. Wrapped in the energy of the Goddess Freya scarf, you are held in the embrace of the Norse Goddess of Divine Love. She will nourish you with gentle, compassionate, and unconditional love and uplift your vibration. Wherever you go and whatever you do, Freya will support your connection with the Cosmic Heart energies and hold you in divine protection.
Freya carries the Essence of True Beauty, and it is her greatest wish to guide humanity now into seeing the true beauty within us, to open our hearts fully and learn to truly love ourselves. For then, and only then, can we also love others fully and wholly. As within, so without.
Like all the Norse Gods and Goddesses, Freya is also a Warrior Goddess. She is here to support us with her Peaceful Warrior energy, guiding us as we step into our Mastery and become the very best version of ourselves. Freya encourages us to always follow the guidance of our Hearts with passion, confidence, and Warrior strength.

This scarf is a powerful and supportive companion and loving ally in your everyday life. Its powerful energy and vibrant colors will help infuse both yourself and everyone around you with the nourishing and uplifting qualities of Divine Love, Strength, and Beauty. It will highlight what is good, beautiful, and true, and uplift everyone who is touched by its energy, gracefully and in a perfect way. Such a powerful selfless service of Love and Light!
Let this veil of Divine Love uplift your vibration and let Goddess Freya guide you on your path through life. Embedded within this magical manifestation of divine strength and true beauty, you will also receive the energy of the golden bind rune “Heart of Freya”. Freya encourages you to let your heart lead the way, to live life fully and passionately, guided always by the voice of your own Heart.
The perfect union of divine energy, sacred color, and prayer gives life to the scarf to become your personal Freya talisman. The Goddess Freya scarf is carefully blessed with holy water taken from the Kings Mounds in Old Uppsala, Sweden and is activated by Doni Amoris, Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild to support your highest good.

Recommended Practice
Close your eyes and focus into your heart center while wearing your Goddess Freya scarf. Place your hands on your heart, relax and start to breathe deeply and slowly in and out specifically through your heart.
In the embrace of Freya, her Flame of Divine Passion opens your heart, and ignites in its sacred center. With every breath, feel the flame together with your heart light expanding out through your body and energy field, filling you with Divine Love, Strength, and Beauty. Dance in the freedom of your own Light and say to yourself “I AM Love. Love surrounds me, Love protects me, I AM Love.”
Ask Freya to hold up her Mirror of Beauty for you. Lovingly look at yourself in the mirror and embrace your own true Light and Beauty. Breathe this Light out into all that you are, let it fill you up to the brim and repeat to yourself: “I AM the beauty of my Soul. I love myself. I truly love myself, I AM the beauty of my Soul.”
Practice daily to strengthen your heart connection, opening to your own True Beauty and Light, or whenever you need to rest and restore in the nourishing and energizing embrace of Goddess Freya.

Color Infusion Benefits
Vitality builder
Lowers anxiety and increases confidence
Strengthens your heart connection
Nourishing qualities of gentleness, beauty, and self-love
This beautiful creation has been abundantly infused with blessings and high vibrational energies every step of the way.
The Freya scarf is made with Love
Italian fabric, modal 85%, 15% silk
Oeko-tex certified. Good for you and the Earth
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm

Allfather Odin
Mastery – Wisdom – Manifestation

May the Divine Power of the Allfather Odin awaken your inner eye as you move through layers of ancient energetic clearings. May Universal Wisdom arise from Within. The eternal cosmic light of the All-Seeing Eye sends spirals of light codes into your heart and soul to awaken the One who ascends to embody Enlightenment.
Allfather Odin, Light of the Aesir, Master of the sacred Runes of Creation, embrace us with your mantle of magic made manifest. The holy trinity of the valknut symbol and the embedded light codes combine to make the scarf of the Allfather Odin a potent bringer of light. In this light, all things from the heart shall grow and unfold in Divine Time. Like the spear of heaven that Odin carries, the energy matrix of this scarf will pierce through limiting patterns and karmic bonds, revealing what lies below the surface - deepest peace, universal consciousness, and blissful wisdom.
Let this veil of divine resonance, self-mastery, and sovereignty elevate your soul. Enfolded in this magical manifestation of wisdom and self-empowerment, you will receive the energy of the written bind rune, “Manifestation of Divine Consciousness”. These are Odin’s words to you – “Within your Light you carry the Wisdom of All Times. You are the Past, the Now and the Future combined. Blessed be, beloved Being of Light. You are here NOW with your unique gifts to help co-create the new Golden Age.“
Recommended Practice
Find a sacred space outside in Nature. This can be anywhere on a beach, the shore of a lake, a field or some beautiful woodland. Standing tall and strong, place the scarf of Odin around your shoulders. Place your feet shoulder width apart with your head held high…place your right hand upon your heart and begin to breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this three times, and as you do so, either call out loud or silently to the mighty Allfather Odin.
Feel Odin's scarf around you beginning to glow with powerful blue light as the Allfather connects to you and places his blessing and his energy within your bodies and fields. Now allow yourself to be fully supported and nurtured in whatever qualities you need the most.
Do you need courage? Do you need strength? Do you yearn for the energy of deep love and protection? Do you wish for a powerful guide for your ascension pathway? Do you require the wisdom of the Allfather to assist you as you step into your own power and Light? Whatever it is that you need the most, you will find deep support and grace in the love of Odin as his energy flows through the magic of the scarf to blend with your body and spiritual fields.
Next, allow your body to relax, taking a seat upon a beautiful green place in the open space. As you relax and soften, feel the scarf around your shoulders holding you as a strong, wise friend. Breathe and know that you are held by the highest wisdom of the Norse Gods as the rune of the Manifestation of Divine Consciousness activates. This will serve to ignite your innate cosmic wisdom, your guiding light upon your Master Pathway.

Color Infusion Benefits
Vitality builder
Harmonizes energy flow
Activates inner peace and clarity
Increases intuitive powers
The perfect union of divine energy, sacred color, and prayer gives life to the scarf to become your personal bridge to connect with the Allfather Odin. The Allfather Odin scarf is carefully blessed with holy water taken from the Kings Mounds in Old Uppsala, Sweden and is activated by Doni Amoris, Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild to support your highest good.
The Odin scarf is made with Love
Italian fabric, modal 85%, 15% silk
Oeko-tex certified. Good for you and the Earth
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm

Oneness – Transformation – Divine Order
Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. The flow, creation, and expansion of all worlds united and bonded as one, yet beautiful and unique in their own vibration. Yggdrasil is the Earth, the sky, the connection, the flow, the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall of all life. The eternal flow of birth and death in physical and higher creation in the realms beyond the Veil…in Yggdrasil we find our balance point and support for all the storms of life.
The sacred scarf of Yggdrasil embodies aspects of The World Tree that will cocoon you in loving support. Within the weave of the scarf, you will find the grounding and stability of vast roots, transformational energies in the flowing sap and unification within the united realms. You are a vast multi-dimensional being of light, navigating a process of divine reclamation. The Universe is guiding your every step.
Doni Amoris, Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild have aligned themselves with their past-life gifts and talents to bring forth the perfect representation of Yggdrasil’s life-force. The kaleidoscope of fresh colors, combined with the flow of energy within the scarf, will provide you with a meditation companion that will support every aspect of your journey.

If you need to rest, Yggdrasil will nourish your healing. If you need to ground yourself, Yggdrasil will support your roots. If you need to reach to the heavens or the higher realms Yggdrasil will guide you with rainbow threads of purest light. You will be blessed with the energies of vitality, intuition, and illumined flow.
Written upon the scarf is the bind-rune of Algiz/Inguz which will provide you with protection and the space to grow. This piece of wearable art is blessed with sacred loving intent, using holy water taken from the Kings Mounds in Old Uppsala, Sweden. It is activated by Doni, Lovisa and Tim to gift you with a Rainbow Bridge to the illumined realms.

Recommended Practice
In a peaceful space, wrap the scarf of Yggdrasil around your shoulders and close your eyes. As you focus on the colors, begin to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel the root energies from the soles of your feet imbued with light, power, strength and vitality from Yggdrasil as they flow and ground into the Earth. Ground yourself deeply with strength and love.
Feel the vibration within your physical and energy bodies expanding outwards as you breathe, filled with the beautiful rainbow light infusion from the scarf, as it activates your vitality and restores your soul’s essence. Rejuvenate and heal in this powerful field of light.
Call upon Yggdrasil, The World Tree, to support your growing branches as you reach further and higher into the world of Spirit. Feel yourself moving effortlessly into a new version of yourself with the rainbow threads guiding your every step. Allow your pathway to be fully blessed, and be ready to step into your highest role on this planet. Repeat this daily to help create your Master Self, or whenever you wish to repair and restore your physical and energy bodies.

Color Infusion Benefits
Vitality builder
Increased intuitive powers
Balances and rejuvenates energy flow
This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way.
The Yggdrasil scarf is made with Love
Italian fabric, modal 85%, 15% silk
Oeko-tex certified. Good for you and the Earth
Dry cleaning
Made in Italy, 140 x 180cm
What is the unit cost and minimum order quantity?Production cost depend on a few factors such as fabric material, size of scarf, etc. Please contact us for a price quote. Minimum production starts at 80 pieces and up.
How long is the production time?The printing and finishing of the scarves takes about 4-5 weeks. Add 1-2 months for designing the scarves plus some time for creating promotional materials.
How do I activate my scarf when it arrives?Hold your scarf in your hands and connect for a moment in silence. You may say a prayer, chant a mantra, or use other sound to welcome your scarf. Then wear it for your daily mediation.
What is the best way to receive the energy of my scarf?Please wear your scarf whenever you are going to meditate, practice energy healing, or open up to channel. The embedded light codes and blessings will be absorbed by your aura and light body and deepen your intutive powers. Please consider your scarf as a sacred being that deserves to be treated with respect and care. This way it will support you for a very long time. It is a living talisman!
How do I wash and take care of my scarf?Store your item flat and untied. Avoid contact with rain and harsh chemicals, and entrust it to a specialized professional for cleaning. You may also very gently hand-wash your scarf using cold water. Dry flat horizontally (towel underneath). To straighten fabric, steam gently.
How long will the energy blessing of my scarf last?The blessing by Doni Amoris will last a few months and can be renewed upon request. Occasionally, Doni Amoris re-blesses all scarves remotely.
Returns or ExchangesAll scarves are made to order and blessed by Doni Amoris. A return or exchange is not possible. All sales are final. Should your scarf arrive damaged due to shipping accident, please contact us. Slight variations in color and minor irregularities in the weave of the fabric are normal characteristics of natural fibers and hand-made processes and do not reduce the energy or value of the scarf.

We only offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. Wearing our scarves is not meant to replace any necessary medical treatment or advice. For spontaneous enlightenment, please consult the inner guru of your choice.