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Traveling through the void of space, rays of light reach earth, unite with matter, and give birth to color. Inhaling the divine fragrance of color, the scarves of ALAE EROS (Wings of Love) uplift the sophisticated individual, infusing the dance of life with colors of love.

Each scarf of the ALAE EROS Collection is blessed with holy water from a sacred place on Earth. 

The ALAE EROS collection was Doni Amoris' debut collection released in 2015.


Eternal Harmony

Deep in the forest of the living earth, the Tree of Life is gifting harmony to body, mind, and soul.


The Eternal Harmony scarf is blessed with sacred water and the essence from the ancient pagan site the Externsteine, Germany.


The Externsteine and surrounding deep forest transmit a deep almost forgotten ancient energy of earth-heaven connection. Here the Tree of Life reminds us of the eternal union of the earth and sky. It connects us to greater harmony in body, mind, and soul. 


Recommended Practice


Wear your Eternal Harmony scarf outside in nature and find a tree to be with for some time. Connect to the tree as you wish. Breathe deeply and visualize healing green light filling your entire being. Chant mantra below for maximum healing effect. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.


Mantra: “Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung”


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Rejuvenates brain function

  • Cell regeneration by stimulating pituitary gland

  • Balances the energy flow between body, mind and spirit


The Eternal Harmony scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal

Mother Ocean

Waves of infinite bliss wash over our soul and we find peaceful rest in the embrace of Mother Ocean.


The Mother Ocean scarf is blessed with the essence of Goddess Yemaya and sacred ocean water from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan. 


The vastness of Mother Ocean and her nurturing infinite love is breathtaking. In that space of inner and outer expansion, clarity and peace fill our mind quite naturally. 


Recommended Practice


Wear your Mother Ocean scarf and focus on your third eye charka. Chant the mantra below for several minutes and visualize a cleansing blue light flow over your body. Breathe deeply and feel into your essence. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.


Mantra: “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Increased intuitive powers

  • Activates the pineal gland


The Mother Ocean scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal


Sacred Guardian

From the beginning of time, deep within Gaia, burns a holy flame.


The Sacred Guardian scarf is blessed with the essence of Mt. Manua Kea and Kilauea Iki, Hawaii, United States.


Deep within the earth we find the amazing life giving red-golden liquid of Gaia, the eternal flame that burns for us all. Reigniting this protective flame in our heart, we become luminous warrior of love and light. 


Recommended Practice


A guardian not only protects but also guides and nurtures the active soul-explorer. Wear your Sacred Guardian scarf and chant the mantra below for several minutes. Breath and feel. Optionally, dance, do some Thai Chi or similar movement meditation with Sacred Guardian. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.


Mantra: “Narasimha Ta Va Da So Hum”


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Energy boost

  • Rejuvenates

  • Inspires courage and passion


The Sacred Guardian scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal

Divine Mother

Coming home to the Mother of us all, the eternal embrace of love, graces our soul.


The Divine Mother scarf is infused with the essence of Shakti and sacred water blessed by Amma.    


Divine Mother's color mix relates to the rays of the rainbow. This color vibration, with emphasis on warmer tones, nurtures and protects the inner child, guiding us back home into our essence of awakened children of the Universe. 


Recommended Practice


Wrap yourself in the arms of the Divine Mother. This sacred creation is all about self-love, your relationship to the divine inside you, and service. In loving ourselves fully, we gain the capacity to be of service to others and embrace the whole world through our service and love. Chant the mantra for several minutes wearing Divine Mother. Breathe and feel the connection inside your heart to all that is. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.   


Mantra: "Om Mani Padme Hum”


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Vitality builder

  • Rejuvenates body-mind connection

  • Nourishing qualities of gentleness and love


The Divine Mother scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal


Soul Oneness

Connecting to the Sanctuary within, the awakened mind and open heart, guide the soul on its flight towards Oneness.


The Soul Oneness Modal Scarf is blessed with sacred water from the Castalian Spring and the essence of the oracle sanctuary of Delphi at the holy mountain Parnassus, Greece. 


Know thyself. This message was inscribed at the outer walls of the Apollo sanctuary as a reminder to all who are ready to awaken. To know yourself, to know who you really are, deep at the core of your being, is the journey home to the Source of all things and no-things. 


Recommended Practice


Sit in silence and pull Soul Oneness over your head so that your body is covered with the fabric.


Visualize your body being engulfed by a lovely purple light and chant the mantra below, guiding your soul right back into Oneness. Breathe deeply and feel your essence. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.


Mantra: "Gate Gate, Para-gate, Parasam-gate, Bodhiswaha"


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Aid to meditation and sleep

  • Increase intuitive powers

  • Activates pineal gland


The Soul Oneness scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal

Celestial Radiance

Blossoms dancing in the wind, unfolding gently, a sweetness of everlasting grace.


The Celestial Radiance scarf is blessed with the sacred water of Mt. Fuji-san and Sengen-Sama, goddess of cherry blossoms, Japan. 


Sengen-Sama, the Shinto goddess of cherry blossoms resides at Mt. Fuji, where she blesses a sacred well high up on the mountain with her everlasting grace.


Pink has a soft and gentle vibration that calms down and smoothes our way through life. It relates to unconditional love, beauty, compassion and humanitarian qualities. 


Recommended Practice


Give someone you love or a stranger a big hug while wearing Celestial Radiance. When you do this, do it from your heart with a smile. Breathe and feel. Optionally chant mantra below. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.


Mantra: "Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha"


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Lowers anxiety

  • Soothing the mind

  • Nourishing qualities of gentleness and love


The Celestial Radiance scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal


Divine Light

From the Heart of the Universe radiate a thousand sun.


The Divine Light scarf is blessed with the light of sun-goddess Amaterasu and the Great Central Sun.


Let yourself be embraced by Amarterasu's golden glory, and experience an energetic sunrise in your soul. The eternal light of the Great Central Sun, that provides life, knowledge, and enlightenment, regenerates every cell of your body and brings light even to the darkest corner of our world. 


Recommended Practice


Wearing your Divine Light scarf, find a peaceful place to sit in natural light and chant the Gayatri Mantra for several minutes. Visualize the expansion of your inner soul-light. Breathe and feel. Practice daily for a minimum of 21 days.   


Mantra: "Om Bhur Bhuvaha Svaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat"


*Doni Amoris only offers information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. Wearing our scarves is not meant to replace any necessary medical treatment or advice. For spontaneous enlightenment, please consult the inner guru of your choice.


Color Infusion Benefits


  • Emotional uplift

  • Energy Purifier

  • Higher concentration/mental functions


The Divine Light scarf is made with love in Italy.


  • Soft Italian modal fabric like silk

  • 100% plant-based fiber

  • Use only skin-friendly dyes

  • Dry cleaning

  • Made in Italy, 130 x 200cm, 100% modal

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